Don't delay...
Where you are always the priority
These last few months have provided many individual challenges in our lives. I have worked diligently during this time to update the already rigorous sanitation and safety standards. My top priority has always been to deliver an unparalleled experience of confidence, safety and pain relief to all clients, and my resolve is stronger now than ever before. I have been hard at work to raise the bar of hygiene and sanitation, as well as considering every step of your service experience to ensure meet your needs in a focused and safe manner. You might notice some changes during your next visit as we have implemented new equipment use, policies and procedures to further promote the health and safety of clients and staff. Some of these changes include: adding a 4 stage HEPPA purifier, UVC sanitation light (which will be used before/ after each client session), masks, a body apron to be changed after each client session, use of medical grade disinfectant, a new blanket for each client and addition of laundry sanitation additive.
I am requesting that all new clients complete the health intake and Covid-19 liability form prior to their appointment. These can be downloaded from this website (click on the “forms” section of this website to find these forms), sent to you in the mail or sent to you via email. Clients can bring them in at the time of their appointment. New clients should also arrive 10-15 minutes early to discuss these forms. This will allow us to dedicate the entire time, that was scheduled, to your massage.
I would also suggest adding your credit card to be on file with Square to allow for payment to be made remotely after your session. Appointments can be made online, via texting or through a phone call to minimize time in the office. There is a new Covid-19 health intake form to ensure you are healthy and safe to receive a massage. Curb side pick up is available for retail purchases.
Regretfully, we will not be accepting any high risk clients, or those who have family members in their home who may be a higher risk for acquiring the Covid-19 virus. Appointment availability is limited due to increased time taken in between each client to sanitize and disinfect the treatment room and office area.
Welcome to 7 Oaks Bodywork and Massage
This is your chance to relax, get rid of muscle & joint pain, have your headaches go away, enjoy better sleep…and so much more. Choose from a wide range of alternative treatments and massages.
Are you experiencing pain? Do you have difficulty sleeping? Do you have stress in your life? If you answered yes to any of these- you could benefit from a massage. My background and experience as physical therapist assistant allows me to better understand and assess your body’s symptoms and muscle tightness patterns. Together, we will create a treatment plan that is perfect for you!
Cupping is the use of suction, rather than compression for bodywork. Cupping facilitates rigid soft tissue release, loosens & lifts connective tissue. breaks up and drains stagnation while increasing blood and lymph flow to skin and muscles in ways not possible using compression. The pulling action engages the parasympathetic nervous system, thus allowing a deep relaxation to move throughout the body. Cupping can be used as an adjust or alternative to traditional massage for a truly unique and deeply relaxing choice. Cupping can also be used to treat specific pain and mobility restrictions
Now offering concussion recovery therapy (CRT)
Concussion Recovery Therapy (CRT) is a breakthrough therapy for the treatment of concussions, brain injuries and effects from chronic stress on the body. CRT methodologically applies micro-current electric stimulation to specific points on the cranium and body to reduce cortisol, decrease sympathetic nervous system responses and improve cognitive functioning test scores.
CRT stress reduction improves:
Headaches, dizziness, brain fog, sleep duration, energy levels and overall emotional status.
·It is widely accepted in science that imbalances of the sympathetic and parasympathetic branches of the autonomic nervous system (ANS) are directly linked to wide variety of pain and diseases. Stress or persistent tone of the sympathetic system is directly related to ongoing post-concussion symptomology and decreased neuroplasticity.
treatment menu
Session prices are based on the amount of time that you book (except for CRT sessions). We can discuss your goals and cater your session specifically for you.
**Please note that starting October 1, 2020 there will be a $10 rate increase for 60 minutes and longer sessions**
Minutes Cost
30 $40
60 $65
75 $75
90 $90
120 $120
Now offering concussion recovery therapy (CRT)!
CRT sessions are 90 minutes each at $110 per session.
Package discounts area available.