
Why do my muscles shake?

At some point, you’ve probably been in the middle of an intense, or not so intense, workout when suddenly it feels like your legs or arms are about to give out and your muscles start to shake uncontrollably. Most people figure it’s due to their lack of strength or stamina. Have you ever wondered if […]

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Massage and anxiety…

Let’s face it, life can be stressful. There are to-do lists, deadlines to meet, people to take care of…the list goes on and on. While some may handle the pressure just fine, many people struggle with the overwhelm daily, leading to sometimes crippling anxiety. It’s a serious issue and it’s important to know what you’re dealing with, possible solutions, and preventative actions you can take. Here’s some

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The wonderful world of fascia

You may have heard the term fascia thrown around, especially if you’re familiar with bodywork or fitness jargon. But what exactly is fascia? Fascia is simply a type of connective tissue, and it’s actually quite complex; not so much because of what it is, but rather the enormous job that it has within the body. Fascia weaves in and out

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